Mixed effect frameworks in the analysis of longitudinal data


  • Anupama K R Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology ChanRe Rheumatology and Immunology Center & Research # 149, 15th Main Road, NHCL, Water Tank Road, 4th Block, 3rd stage, Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore- 560079 Ph: 080- 42516699, Fax: 080-42516600
  • Chandrashekara S




Longitudinal data, Clustering, Mixed effect model, Fixed effects, Random effects, Maximum likelihood estimation.


Longitudinal research generates data with correlated measurements and clustered data structures. The main interest in longitudinal studies is to find the change in outcome over time and to analyze the influence of predictor variables on the outcome. Model-based approach is a powerful tool to integrate the multiple measurements and complexity of such data. Mixed effect models provide the framework to identify the role of individual differences in responses, while incorporating information from multifactorial measures at the individual and group levels to advance our understanding of the underlying components influencing response. This methodology is flexible, could be extended to different data patterns and computes more accurate and stable estimates. Using a multilevel modeling approach, the hierarchical structure can be explicitly modeled. With the availability of standard statistical software for both classical and Bayesian approaches, its applicability has increased in various fields such as genome-wide association studies, understanding of disease/recovery process, disease-marker association and behavioral studies to understand personality traits and health outcomes. This review seeks to focus on the methodological approaches to model multiple failure time data, conceptual issues, arising due to correlation, heterogeneity, and clustering and estimation procedures. The article also emphasizes on their application in data analysis especially in immunology and rheumatology studies.


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