Venous malformation of lower limb with hypertrophy of limb, early terminalization of hair and hyperhidrosis


  • Mudita Gupta
  • Rajni Sharma Indira Gandhi Medical College ,Shimla
  • Geeta Ram Tegta Prof and Head, Department Of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
  • Archit Gupta post graduate student Department Of General Surgery Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla, Himachal Pradesh



Venous malformation, intra-osseous involvement, early terminalisation of hair, hyperhidrosis


Vascular anomalies are the commonest developmental disorders. Venous malformations (VM) result due to dysmorphogenesis in the development of veins. Most commonly these disorders are localized to skin and subcutaneous tissue. Deeper venous malformation may affect the underlying muscle, bone and joints. Early terminalization of hair and increased sweating in VM plaque has been rarely reported. The present study deals with the case of a 15-year-old boy who had VM involving skin, subcutaneous tissue and bones with terminal hair and increased sweating over the plaque. Radiological examination showed bone hypertrophy with slow flow channels and phleboliths due to superficial and deep VM. He was treated with ethanol sclerotherapy.

Author Biography

Rajni Sharma, Indira Gandhi Medical College ,Shimla

Senior Resident

Deptt Of dermatology ,Indira Gandhi Medical College .Shimla (HP)India


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Case Studies