Role of vitamin D in autoimmune rheumatic diseases- hype or real?


  • Rachel Oommen Joseph DR. SHENOY'S CARE
  • Padmanabha Shenoy DR.SHENOY'S CARE



Vitamin D, immunomudulator, autoimmune


Since the beginning of the 20th century, it has been well known that vitamin D is associated with bone and calcium metabolism. There is increasing evidence on the positive effects of vitamin D on innate and acquired immunities. Many studies have reported the relation between polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the onset of various autoimmune rheumatic diseases (AIRD). Studies conducted in animal models have reported vitamin D supplementation as an effective therapy for various autoimmune diseases. Whereas, prospective human studies have reported contradictory findings on the effect of vitamin D levels or intake on autoimmune risk. In the present review, the authors have attempted to summarize the association between vitamin D and AIRD.


Author Biographies

Rachel Oommen Joseph, DR. SHENOY'S CARE


Padmanabha Shenoy, DR.SHENOY'S CARE



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